Tidbits & Miscellaneous

Don't let these 7 common mistakes derail your WMS implementation

Written by
Apr 5, 2024
10:16 pm
minute read

Selecting a new warehouse management system (WMS) is a major undertaking that impacts every aspect of your supply chain operations. With so much at stake, it's critical to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to cost overruns, extended timelines and a system that doesn't meet your needs.

Here are seven mistakes to watch out for when selecting and implementing a new WMS:

1. Underestimating project complexity 

Don't assume your WMS rollout will be quick and easy. Due to changing requirements and change management challenges, most implementations take longer and cost more than anticipated. Go into this process expecting potential delays and budget increases.

2. Failing to define business needs and goals upfront

Without clearly defining your critical business requirements from the start, you risk choosing a WMS misaligned with your needs. This leads to costly customizations and project delays. Work with your vendor and consultants to distill your must-have features.

3. Buying based on operational preferences, not business drivers

Don't over-customize by attempting to replicate every existing process and report in the new WMS. Prioritize essential capabilities aligned with your overarching business goals.

4. Focusing only on short-term needs 

Choose a WMS that can scale with your business long-term to avoid costly upgrades or replacements down the road. Evaluate future growth projections, not just the current state.

5. Ignoring total cost of ownership

Look beyond upfront implementation costs. Consider ongoing maintenance, support and future upgrade expenses. Skimping now could result in higher costs later.

6. Picking a vendor without thorough vetting

Don't sign on the dotted line until you've spoken to the vendor's technical team, verified their support capabilities, and assessed their financial viability. Your WMS partner plays a crucial role.

7. Neglecting integration and performance requirements 

Your new WMS must seamlessly integrate with other systems like ERP, ecommerce platforms, etc. Ensure integration capabilities and performance metrics meet your operational needs.

The right WMS can supercharge your supply chain, but the wrong choice can set you back. Avoid these pitfalls by defining requirements upfront, planning for the long term, vetting vendors thoroughly and prioritizing integration and performance. With proper diligence, you can select a WMS that propels your business forward.

Where do you go from here? 

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