The modern composable supply chain tech stack

Most supply chain software was designed for a linear, predictable world. These days, that just doesn't cut it.
Need to adapt quickly to an uncertain future?

Embrace low-code, with flexibility of full code
(and none of the headache)

Map out your processes and requirements

Tailor the system to your  specifications

Train users and launch in weeks  

Say hello to your supply chain stack

Here's how we do it
User application builder

User screens tailored to your team and process

Build fully tailored screens, dashboards and applications across desktop, tablet, and mobile using drag-and-drop elements.

Low-code system integrator

Connect to any systems or data sources

Eliminate manual copy/paste by uniting data from internal, customer and vendor systems. Connect to all the systems you use, with or without APIs.

Flexible workflow automator

Automate decision trees and manual processes

Reduce time and resource waste by automating repeatable or spreadsheet-driven processes and systemize decision making.

Curious to learn more?

Reduce inventory write-offs with PorterLogic